Monthly Archives: March 2009


The Go Game Board  met today up at Finn’s house in Bernal. That consists of Finn, Ian and Lisa.  We talked about the direction of things to come, where we want to focus and how we see ourselves fitting in as a game company as well as a company that serves the corporate team building market. We have several directions that we are considering and need to flesh out plans for each one.  The big goal of the Everywhere Game is still big on our list, but we also want to get into the iPhone games, as there is finally a viable platform for distributing location aware games.

Our focus for the next month is to get a functioning version of Hijack The Band up and running and ready to film in Seattle with the Spaceship Excellent Band.  With that footage in hand, we are going to approach labels and distributors about possible acquisitions or partnerships.

We are also going to finish up the code for Go Game Lite, a game that can be played anywhere on any HTML phone without a facilitator.  Teams will upload the photos and videos on their own after the game and conduct their own judging complete with music and voting.

We have been closely watching the other games that up and coming out there and have reached out to for partnership on our giving back game.

Keep coming back!